Donate to repair the Earth

Donate to repair
the Earth

If we work together, we can repair the Earth. We can restore soil quality and keep food waste out of landfills. We can power new community gardens and produce an abundance of healthy local food.

Your donation to MakeSoil helps to empower millions of people to compost food back into the soil. 

If we work together, we can repair the Earth. We can restore soil quality and keep food waste out of landfills. We can power new community gardens and produce an abundance of healthy local food.

Your donation to MakeSoil helps to empower millions of people to compost food back into the soil. 

You can also

For bank wire info,

To donate via bank wire, crypto, or check

MakeSoil is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 

MakeSoil is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 

Donate to repair the Earth

If we work together, we can repair the Earth. We can restore soil quality and keep food waste out of landfills. We can power new community gardens and produce an abundance of healthy local food.

Your donation to MakeSoil helps to empower millions of people to compost food back into the soil. 

You can also

MakeSoil is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 

Grow Communities,
Not Landfills

Grow Communities,
Not Landfills

Grow Communities,
Not Landfills

MakeSoil plays a key role in reducing waste by cultivating and connecting Soil Makers (people who compost) with nearby Soil Supporters (people who contribute scraps).

We invite our community to support our progress philanthropically, allowing us to continue to serve across 70+ countries and create an even greater impact.

MakeSoil plays a key role in reducing waste by cultivating and connecting Soil Makers (people who compost) with nearby Soil Supporters (people who contribute scraps).

We invite our community to support our progress philanthropically, allowing us to continue to serve across 70+ countries and create an even greater impact.

A note from MakeSoil founder
Josh Whiton

A note from MakeSoil founder
Josh Whiton

I set up MakeSoil as a nonprofit that exists 100% for the public, planetary good. MakeSoil can never be acquired by a for-profit corporation and has no stock to trade or shares to raid. 

We depend on charitable and philanthropic donations from people like you to grow this planet-repairing, people-unifying movement.

If you care about repairing the Earth, and your relationship to it, in the most immediate way, please donate now, it really matters.

I set up MakeSoil as a nonprofit that exists 100% for the public, planetary good. MakeSoil can never be acquired by a for-profit corporation and has no stock to trade or shares to raid. 

We depend on charitable and philanthropic donations from people like you to grow this planet-repairing, people-unifying movement.

If you care about repairing the Earth, and your relationship to it, in the most immediate way, please donate now, it really matters.

2023 Roadmap

2023 Roadmap

Activating Communities

Supporting our existing community while also training new members of the global MakeSoil movement.

Scaling the Movement

New features across iOS, Android and Web to enable many more people to join the movement to repair the planet.

Working with Cities

Equipping city governments to support the resilient, distributed future of organics recycling - powered by citizens.

"MakeSoil solves problems (where can I compost, where can I get soil for my garden?) but also has real capacity for community-building over our most essential building block - soil!"

"MakeSoil solves problems (where can I compost, where can I get soil for my garden?) but also has real capacity for community-building over our most essential building block - soil!"

Soil Maker & MakeSoil Donor - Daniel

Soil Maker & MakeSoil Donor -




What is MakeSoil?

MakeSoil is a global movement, powered by an app, and hosted by a nonprofit. The MakeSoil app matches Soil Makers (people who compost) with nearby Soil Supporters (people who contribute scraps).

When did MakeSoil start?

In 2009, MakeSoil founder Josh Whiton was living in a suburban apartment block in the city of Raleigh, North Carolina in the United States. He noticed that all the residents there were throwing all their waste into the trash, which would be taken away to sprawling landfill sites outside the city. Josh was sure there was a more beautiful way to do things. So, one day, he found some discarded wooden pallets, fixed them together to make a compost bin outside his building, and went door-to-door inviting his fellow residents to donate their food scraps to him. People soon got the idea, and were glad to have a clear, simple and practical way to do something good for the planet. And as Josh began to master the art of making soil, they were even more amazed to see how quickly all sorts of organic materials could be turned back into rich, living soil. And now that they had direct access to good quality soil, it wasn't long before they all came together to create a beautiful community garden too, all starting from simple food scraps. Josh was himself amazed to watch all of this unfold, as he gradually began to fully realise the great potential of this simple yet profound act - of making soil together - to inspire people, to bring them together, and to repair our relationship with our planet, all at the same time: "I'm still in awe of the transformations I saw in people as they began to participate in the process and have that experience of making soil. It was unexpected and profound. Despite having been the CEO of a successful tech startup, building that compost bin and inviting people to use it, is perhaps the simplest thing I've ever done that had the greatest benefit." It's the simple desire to share this experience, that gave birth to MakeSoil.

Is MakeSoil a 501(c)(3)?

MakeSoil is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit that exists 100% for the public, planetary good. MakeSoil can never be acquried by a for-profit corporation and has no stock to trade or shares to raid. Accordingly, we depend on charitable, philanthropic donations from people like you to grow this planet-repairing, people-unifying movement.

Start Composting Today with MakeSoil

© MakeSoil 2023